Genesis 5-10 Do you need a flood?

The Story of Noah and the Flood takes several chapters to tell. It begins with the darkness of human behavior and ends with a covenant promise. Water is central to the story and important throughout the bible. It is not magic or special by itself, but it does have symbolic power. Do you ever wonder … Read more

Genesis 4 – Am I my Band Students’ Keeper?

You are! When they are in your classroom and maybe even as long as they are part of your program, for them you are responsible. The teacher-student relationship is different from the biblical story of the two brothers. You are not in competition with your students for the approval of others. Rather, you are working … Read more

Genesis 3 – Choose to Love

I heard a beautiful spoken word presentation once during which the artist asked, in reference to this bible passage, “Why did God create that damn tree?” Or something to that effect. Since then I’ve heard it said that the tree represents choice, a necessary ingredient for true, authentic loving relationship. Without that tree, we would … Read more

Genesis 1-2 Why is there Music?

When I read the creation stories, I often wonder “Where is music?” Is it intrinsic to the formation of the universe? Is it possible for there to ‘not be’ music? One way to have your music students consider the value of music in their lives is to ask them where it comes from. Ask them … Read more